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Reviewing all the BA pages I have purchased BAreviews 03/26/2024 (Tue) 03:32:20 No. 2322
Hi, just figured I would drop some reviews of the several brand army subscriptions I have had to give people who are considering buying one a heads up on what to expect. Obviously all of this will be my opinion, and none of the subscriptions I will talk about are active, so things might have changed in the mean time. Feel free to add any input you like, and please don't ask me to post any paid content here as I will not. gonna Gonna try making a post for each page and see how that works out.
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It's been a while since I have been subbed to lilly, but on the whole hers is one of the best accounts on the site. She regularly posts large sets and she is pretty good at posing and coming up with interesting picture ideas as far as location and attire is concerned. Her top tier is $250 and I definitely do not recommend buying that unless you want to get in, download everything, and get out. Pretty sure that is the purpose of the tier since it offers every set she has ever posted. I don't think any other account offers that sort of deal. Her regular high tier is $100 and honestly, if you are really into her that is a decent price for what you get. Hundreds of pics that are all high res. High res does not mean high quality though which has always been my biggest gripe with her. Maybe I am just picky, but 90% of her pics turn to mush when viewed at their full size and that kind of kills it for me. She has sprinkled in some pro shoots that are proper high quality and they are amazing, but by now they have probably fallen off of the main 100$ tier. But if image quality isnt a big concern for you (since you are on this site it probably isn't) then this is arguably the best bang for your buck imho. Lilly isn't afraid to play to her audience and for that she is pretty awesome.
I'm the party pooper but you are still posting content that is not only not allowed but the chances are ppl (like Lilly) are banned from the site
>>2323 Lily seems cool. Really comfortable with this kind of thing.
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There is a decent chance Natalie is why we all know about Brand Army and to put it plainly, she is incredible to look at. It's been even longer since I have been subbed to her however, so all I can do is tell you my experiences from roughly a year ago. Natalie is incredible, but she is afraid to turn around and her picture quality is terrible, worse than lilies and often times the pictures are smaller than what you can find on insta. Again, if this isn't a problem for you, she is super hot, but personally I like big, clear pics, which was exceedingly rare on her page when I was subbed. Her top tier is $100 and from what I can tell that does not include older content. Like many other BA models she has all but stopped posting previews in an attempt to combat piracy (no idea why how that will help, but whatever) so I really can't comment on her recent content. for what it's worth, Nat is probably the hottest girl on the site, and all things considered if she has started posting high res sets where she remembers to turn around, its probably worth the price, but proceed with caution.
>>2324 shit, yeah youre right. My bad. Forgot that these girls were included in the ban.
>>2327 Yeah...this is relatively harmless but just saying. Trying to not trigger the folks out there in charge and already asked to be banned
Is it okay to review the sites without posting pictures? I like hearing this info.
>>2329 Same. I would like short summaries like these. Anfisa Siberia next if anyone is subscribed to her. She has been in the states for the past year trying to become famous in California fleeing the Ukrainian war. Before that she was in Mexico
>>2329 Sure go for it.
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That's interesting to know, I wanted to try Lily. For my part I tested Piper's. She publishes very regularly, on average twice a week, which is honorable. The problem is that the sets offered to us only have around twenty photos, the quality is nice but the image size is quite average unlike these competitors who always have 70/90 photos per set with a size very significant. Piper, unlike the others, has opted for a rather unhealthy commercial approach. For example Lily will offer a VIP subscription for $100 just like Piper but if you just want to buy a set of Lily it's around $30 for 70/90 photo while Piper will deliver 15/30 photo the set to you and sell it to you $70 which makes it seem like your monthly subscription is more profitable. To conclude: Piper posts regularly but few photos of a size and quality better than IG but rarely from UHQ, and this commercial approach is perverse, for all this I do not advise you unless you are really a fan.
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Ok, so I reported this thread to mods myself and it's still here, so I'm gonna keep going. Someone asked for Anfisa, so I will do hers next. In short, Anfisa is one of the better subscriptions I have had. As a general rule her photos are high res, and while the image quality is better than many other accounts, at full size viewing there is noticeable post processing on the images that give them all the same sort of distortion, but the distortion is entirely tolerable compared to the mushiness you see on a lot of other pages. Joining her highest tier doesn't get you every single set, but you get quite a bit and the sets that are still paywalled are super affordable in comparison. What really sets Anfisa apart for me is the amount of picstures you get with each set and her posing. Her sets are generally huge. Her posing is arguably the best on the site and even though it's usually only a handful of pcs per set that prove this, they are pretty darn good pictures. I did notice one time when a set was posted with some particularly surprising pictures (nothing illegal, but the sort of thing you don't usually see) only for the post to be edited a few hours later with those pics deleted. Considering you get all of this for half the price of most other top tier subscriptions, her account is pretty easily a safe buy.
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Hannah has, hands down the best picture quality on Brand Army. Her pictures are huge, and clear enough that you can see all the little details you want. On top of this the sets she posts are huge and entirely focused on the right things. The odd thing about hannah is that her ppv sets sell for like 10 bucks, so it's hard to know if her $100 top tier is worth it in comparison to just buying sets on their own. I have done both and either way I found no reason to complain. The only thing really working against hannah is that this year she potentially aged out of some folks interest and her looks have gotten noticable more "mature" and that might put some off. Personally I think she is still cute as a button...but her booty has started to flatten and that kind of kills it for me. Hopefully she starts doing squats or something.
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Jenny, we all know her and from pretty much day one she has been one step ahead of everyone. Jenny has that kind of trashy vibe and she leans into it to great effect. If you're familiar with Jenny outside of BA (which you probably are) then it should come as no surprise that, at least hen I was signed up, Jenny didn't mess around. The quality of her pictures varied with some being pretty abysmal and many being perfectly acceptable. But that's not why you join, you join because it's clear she has known what's up for a long time and she has never cared one bit. Her top tier is only $50 (probably in part because there is so much free content out there) and from my experience it was money well spent. I tend to go through spurts of wanting to see her work, so I haven't ever re-joined, but if you are considering it I say go for it.
>>2336 I guess the age does make it a little less exciting now. Still super attractive though.
Have you checked out Ellie Blue's?
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I joined Shae around the same time I joined Nat, and she has also stopped posting previews, so it's hard to say what her current content is like. When I was subbed though her stuff was pretty good. Similar to Jenny Shae has a kind of trashiness to her that works in her favor. With Shae though this kind of ends up going a little further because in a lot of her pictures she really just looks like she is not at all into what she is doing. It's not in every set, but it's definitely there. Her pics have this weird air of like, her and her mom arguing about why she has to keep turning around. It can be really hot in the right mindset, but that's not a headspace I feel comfortable in too often. Obviously this is just my opinion, but that's all I can give. For a purely practical stance her sets tend to be smaller than a lot of other pages, like 20 pics on average I think, but they are high quality photos in great outfits and locations and that focus on the right things. Hopefully her recent output is on the same level, but I really have no way of knowing.
>>2339 No, sorry.
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This one is hard to do, but honestly I would suggest saving your money. From here on out the pages I will talk about all have similar problems and Caliee is unfortunately host to a number of them. My understanding is that her top tier used to be $50, and for that I would feel ok saying it is worth it, but for it's current price of $100 her content is nowhere near where it should be. the best thing about he page is the back catalogue. you ARE given access to a large number of sets, many of them pretty good and with only the most distant stuff still locked behind a pay wall. Aside from that though, the picture quality is more often than not mediocre, with a lot of her pictures being large photo sizes, but super grainy and unclear at full rez. It really seems like the best days of this account are behind them and most recently they had started just posting a single small set once per week, then sending a payed DM with an offer to buy another 5 to 10 pics, and that is the only way you will see the shots you joined for, and its like 2 at a time. I don't know, maybe things have changed, maybe they will change in the future, but probably skip this one for now.
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No. I know it's only $35, but no. you will get like 3 pics a month and they will likely be lame mirror selfies. Her Instagram accounts are much, much better.
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at $50 this isn't the worst deal around. You get weekly posts that are sometimes pretty good, but in reality what you are buying just the opportunity for them to try and sell you on her ppv sets. I don't know, the person running her page is weird and always posts weird, kind of disjointed descriptions of posts and for some reason every time I look at this girl I just feel guilty as hell. Her photo quality is pretty middle of the road, but like other pages in this category there is almost no point in joining as opposed to buying ppv sets.
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Raerae and the last page I will talk about are both ALMOST my favorite pages on the site, with both of them only being held back by the quality of their images. Of the two, depending on how you look at it Raerae is better, but only because her low quality images are better than the other pages low quality images. The pic I posted is what you can expect from every picture she posts with the exception of only a few pro shots that seemingly come at random and they seem entirely uninterested in trying to provide more consistent HQ images. So that fuzziness you see in the sample at full res, that's what all her pics are like. It sucks because she is super cute and usually her outfits and locations and poses are all perfectly good, but for me personally the quality limits just make every picture make me think "I really wish this was a decent quality image." Hopefully some day they get a better camera, but if that doesn't bother you than $50 is perfectly justifiable for the regularity and quantity of their uploads. She is super cute and I wouldn't blame someone at all for being totally happy with a sub.
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The last page I will talk about, Abbie is so close to being perfect it hurts. She is so gorgeous and more often than not her pictures are exactly what you would hope they would be. Her top tier is $60 and for that you get access to a perfectly substantial amount of the thousands of pictures she has posted on the site, with only her earliest posts being either ppv or lost to time. The big problem is that whoever usually takes the pictures (I assume her mom but idk) seems to be using an iphone 3 or something and refuses to not only upgrade the camera, but also to put in even a little bit of effort in post processing to make the pictures decent at anything but small format. Her pictures mostly look decent at small size, but when you view at full size they are grainy as hell it is very clear that they have each had a stock "portrait" effect added to them that poorly identifies the subject and blurs everything around them, making it look like they are in some sort of parallel dimension with the space between them and the surrounding world being bent and distorted. It's so bad and if you ever purchased any of Bellas old sets then you might know what I mean. People have tried to make a stink about it, with abbies page runner pointing out that there is a camera on her wishlist (because apparently it's the customers responsibility to ensure a quality product) but unfortunately most of her subscribers are perfectly content with pictures that seriously would have been considered low quality in 2008. But, sometimes they DO post really good stuff. Sometimes they get pro shoots, and sometimes even the non pro shoots end up being totally acceptable quality and that is why this is currently the only page I still have any real interest in. Abbie is gorgeous, in great shape, perfectly comfortable with seemingly any angle, and they really seem to have a good grasp on subtext in photography which really goes a long way. For $50, totally worth it to get access to the relatively few HQ pics, they are so good, but just know going in that most of the pics are going to really just make you with they were better quality. Her content would be on a different level all together if they would commit to high quality.
I appreciate you're effort in rating these :) Can you speak at all about the quality of the "content" of the pages? Like instead of just how good the resolution of the pictures are, how are the pictures really. My favorite example is Brooke Shearous's page before she took it down. Pictures were insane, especially considering the price.
>>2388 For sure, I'll just do it all in one post though and be brief. Just remember a lot of these girls I haven't been subbed to in a long time, so things might have changed. Lilly. Typically almost great, but kind of repetitive which most of her posts being good bikinis, but always shooting in the same location and being careful to not be too suggestive. There are definitely exception to this and those sets are great, but they're few and far between in my opinion, mostly it's just her in the same spots doing the same poses, just in a different bikini. Nat. This is nats biggest area of struggle in my opinion. The reason I stopped my sub was because her pictures were just too boring. Like set after set of bikini shoots where she doesn't turn around once, which for her is a big part of the appeal. Anfisa. When she is good, she is reeeaaallllly good. Just a very clear understanding of what sort of pics will keep subscribers happy. It's not like that with every single set, but when it goes it goes pretty hard in comparison. She is the only girl I have seen posting bent over shots (though it is only a handful.) Hannah. Mostly very good, if every girl posted like this the site would be amazing. Jenny. As she has been doing for years now, Jenny comes through for us. Almost no sets that aren't interesting. Shae. Very good usually. Lot's of bikini content, always turns around. As opposed to every other girl, her professional shoots tend to be her most boring. Callie. If you join, the main reason is to go back and get all the stuff from when her page was straight fire. The content that got posted when I was subbed was pretty mid, and came with a DM where you could pay for like two or three butt shots. Ilaria. Just find her instagram. Seren. Surprisingly good in this respect, though again, the best stuff comes via DMs. Raerae. Usually not very exciting. okay outfits, but no bikinis in a long time. Her cuteness does all the heavy lifting. Abbie. Almost perfect. Turns around a bunch, settings that help you build a story. A decently clear level of deliberateness which does a lot for me personally. Sadly it's usually ruined by image quality.
Thank you for that. I think I'm gonna sub to Abbie's page. Even her free BA content and stuff on Insta is really nice. That and I think shes one of the youngest on your list. Somehow there isn't a thread for her (on scarlet always) and I didn't see her as a banned girl.
>>2390 Abbie has a thread on starlet for a while: https://waifuist.pro/starlet/res/95355.html
Have you subbed to emmanoellerose at all?
Looks like they're updating their TOS again and deleting old content. They really want to pretend their website isn't exactly what it is.
>>2486 do tell


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