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WAIFUIST 4.0 META THREAD Anonymous 01/04/2021 (Mon) 23:53:21 No. 131
Updated the software and ready to go! However there may be some fine tuning to be done. Tell us any issues you have and we will work to address them. Thank you. <3
Edited last time by admin on 01/05/2021 (Tue) 00:21:09.
Still having the usual "Connection failed" issues. It's actually even worse now than it was before.
>>132 Yeah, we'll be working on it. <3
>>133 Looks like everything is working fine now.
>>132 >>134 nginx was blocking requests greater than 1mb, now it's fixed and the max file size here should be accurate now. that was the cause of most "Connection failed" errors
Everything seems to be working fine now! Thank you guys for all your hard work!
why was the original cg thread deleted and why was the new cg thread locked?
There was or is no need for the drama of cg to come here. It has nothing to do with us. But I have been and continue to be willing to link cg page here if needed or allow updates on the status of it to be posted. And as far as I understand cg will be back soon enough.
>>138 there would be no drama if you wouldn't start deleting threads out of nowhere. it was just a few posts talking about the recent happenings.
>>139 >>139 it wasnt out of no where this is waifuist not CG its ok not even that serious now its explained and time to move on thanks
>>139 ok. well cg will be open soon. we have nothing to do with that. You asked me why. I've said yes I'll allow updates to whats going on with the site up.
>>141 >we have nothing to do with that doesn't cg have a bunker board here?
Can you check your email on officialwaifuist@protonmail.ch? It's kinda important.
The "Quick Reply" is unresponsive.
Pls MODS delete and do something about all the cp links pervs keep posting as threads esp on starlet
Showing up on w too
>>146 why especially on starlet? whats so special we need to focus there plus what do you think we do just relax we got it
>>145 ^this
>>148 you're an embarrassment
>>141 like.. in this board?
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why is the site so slow and flaky
>>153 Same. I can hardly upload files mostly just text post. I wanna speak with the manager I want a refund.
I love you


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