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Kristina Pimenova Starletee :3 01/14/2020 (Tue) 23:18:20 No. 6801
Russian model
>>119887 Where did you hear that? I follow her ig and all her fanpages and never heard anything about a bf
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it was written on a kurger bing bathroom
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last day before 18. time to celebrate
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>>120067 I saw it on a website, but I have investigated more and it is surely fake news.
>>126425 She won't have a boyfriend, but she was probably fucked in the United States, by a bad boy from the United States or by an influential man under the pretext of growing her modeling career. She already returned to Russia, she practically went to the USA just to get fucked
>>126426 A bunch of probablies without source of evidence. Eh.
>>126426 >growing her modeling career. So from that premise alone we can infer she was not fucked, given that neither her actress not her modelling career took off.
>>126429 For while Kristina was posting on an anime site. She stated that she is bisexual but she likes girls more than boys. In case any of you are wondering.
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>>126490 We know this is legit because for a short time period she linked to her profile until she got backlash from her family. I know her mother has spoken out against homosexuality in the past.
>>126491 I find it hard to believe that people didn't see this coming though because she has literally went on vacations with other GIRLS such as to the Maldives and Barcelona.
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>>126491 I would support this relationship wholeheartedly and enjoy thinking about what it would be like
>>126491 She likes girls so yeah. I knew she was probably at least bi way before she confirmed it. I mean look at even Ella. You don't act like that with another girl unless you are gay. After Kris and Ella lost touch Ella replaced her with Maisie who looks a lot like Kristina.
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>>126491 The love triangle is/was real
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Ojalá se quede con una chica como lesbiana y nunca tenga novio, que ningún hombre la toque será el consuelo de sus fans.😢😢😢
>>126498 Maisie couldn't take it and left social media
>>126502 She went full "you're tearing me apart Ella"
Imagine a trio of Kristina, Ella and Maisie, it would be something to see, with popcorn and soda.
>>126504 I did not hit her, I did not. Oh hi Maisie.
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>>126490 We also know Maisie might be bi or at least Lesbian. She kissed her friend in the mouth and was on her friend's lap at that nigger party.
>>126553 I’m always amazed when racism inevitably rears its head on the board but I guess it’s to be expected anytime Maisie is mentioned. MFer you’re on a site that’s focused on attraction to underage girls. You are part of the most vilified group on the planet yet you throw around a slur like you have any right to claim you’re superior to anybody. GTFO.
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>>6801 >>126555 Most have to take the black pill and the black pill has nothing to do with race. You get to a point where you're beyond blame. You don't blame yourself, you don't blame the girl, and you don't blame the guys she picks to be with. It doesn't matter if she is with black chad, white chad, or giga stacey. She is not ever going to like us or even know who we are. I have watched girls like Kristina and Maisie grow up basically and I will always have a strange one way love for them. I hope they find what makes them happy. I know it wont be with me but doesn't matter. I have enjoyed looking at their pictures and videos and pretending what it would be like.
>>126555 ..and also we are vilified just like black people actually MUCH MUCH WORSE! They think that we are some kind of heartless monsters that are just looking for victims. The truth is we are more human then they are comfortable with. I have loved and had to hold back and let go because I don't want to harm. I have had chances to harm but I didn't. For every one that does harm how many are the silent majority that suffer in silence and nobody will ever know or care about their story?
>>126562 jfc you sound insane. get some help my guy
>>126555 I ain't reading all that, nigger
>>126555 Kristina Pimenova is legal in every single possible way.
>>126553 Straight girls kiss their friends in the mouth. That doesn't mean anything. >>126492 She went to Maldives with her mom and Anna Gafuri (her childhood friend), and to Barcelona on a modeling training camp. None of those things are related to her being gay or whatever. >>126491 She has always been weird when it comes to her sexual orientation but I would take that "bisexuality" thing with a grain of salt tho. She was fifteen when she wrote that and idk how sure can you be about what you like at that age. She always follows every dumb teenage trend like supporting BLM and even that whole bisexuality thing might be her jumping on the trend. By the way how do you know she got backlash from her family? Has she spoken about it? I remember she also had an Amazon wishlist but that lasted like one day or two.
>>126611 >Straight girls kiss their friends in the mouth. That doesn't mean anything. Cope
>>126613 Sure, doesn't mean girls don't do that tho.
>>126561 >you don't blame the girl I do. There is such thing as personal responsibility and accountability, as much as women abhor the concept (in practice). The rest of your post is just viperd beta cuckery shit (you are part of the problem at large) didn't read.
>>126643 You missed the point entirely. Stop giving a fuck about assigning blame. ...so you blame the girl? than what?! You gonna binge redpill content all day and cry yourself to sleep? You going to make them accountable and responsible Mr Tate? No you will get fucked into the dirt like very other redpill faggot.
>>126643 You aren't going to do shit bitch. Part of the problem? Do you think Tate, Orange man, or anyone else is going to save you? No! You can either live your life or sit around crying about women all day and how they should take responsibility and accountability. You're just going to get fucked into the dirt at the end of the day. You aren't going to change the laws or bend reality to anything other then what they are. Game over. You can cry yourself to sleep and think that if you just vote in some puppet or listen to some redpill faggot things will change.
>>126643 and also any "bros" that you recruit to "help" you on your mission will just backstab you at the first chance they can for some pussy. 9 out of 10 men will stab you in the back for a woman. Tell me more about how you are going to change things. Bitch you are a cuck too because all you can do is watch.
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Yup, looks like it's that time again.


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