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📸 Cute Girls and Autistic Discussions 📸

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Please read the FAQ before posting. Note: Just because a girl has Instagram and you like her, does not mean she needs a thread. Not every girl needs a thread! There are other spaces to share said pictures on this site.

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Willow Shields Starletee :3 04/29/2021 (Thu) 19:10:28 No. 28927
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>I’m being blackmailed and extorted for nude photos of myself, something private that was never meant to be shared with the whole world. I’m taking back the control and sharing it with you first. Here’s the photo they emailed and attached threatening to share with my friends, family, and the internet. They claim to have many more “less tame” photos to use against me. >I will not let someone else make choices involving my own body, I will not allow someone to have power over me. >I’ve already reported this person and case to the FBI and I sincerely hope they take the investigation seriously and follow through with this crime. >I also share this because I know how many other people are affected daily by revenge porn, and nude leaks, that are carried out by hackers and criminals in an effort to break down body, and mind, both deeply vulnerable. I understand and I’m sorry it exists. >I will not stand for any slut shaming, this is my body, and I will share it with whomever I choose.
>>94777 good for her. I hope she leaks the rest of her nudes though.
Always some drama with these girls


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