/starlet/ - Starlet

📸 Cute Girls and Autistic Discussions 📸

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Please read the FAQ before posting. Note: Just because a girl has Instagram and you like her, does not mean she needs a thread. Not every girl needs a thread! There are other spaces to share said pictures on this site.

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Rebekah Bruesehoff Starletee :3 05/18/2023 (Thu) 14:37:55 No. 97425
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Pink Rebekah.
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This'll stir them up.
>>105174 Dude?
>>105174 Cute is cute. If that makes you uncomfortable that’s a you problem, not a her problem.
>>105173 Rebekah's lookin' good, but eeew, couldn't you crop out the ugly dude? LOL
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>>105173 Here's a better version xxxxxxxx Looks like she may be getting pretty tall.
Edited last time by RubyFan on 07/01/2023 (Sat) 04:23:20.
>>105180 you're an idiot dont do that shit again SMH
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>>105180 >Looks like she may be getting pretty tall. Height is determined by genetics, like some other things...
Any suggestions for similar girls?
>>112136 Like genetics determining this "Rebecca" is a biological male
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>>112721 Girls with dicks?
>>112766 Right? what a bunch of delusionalfaggots
>>112786 Thank you, Internet Stranger, for such an insightful post. Because of you, I now recognize the error of my ways. I'd like to join you on your quest to complete douchebaggery. Where do I subscribe to your newsletter?
>>112793 Meh, still a delusional faggot.
>>112794 You kiss your uncle with that mouth?
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>>112794 We waifu girls online we will never meet! WE KNOW WE ARE DELUSIONAL FAGGOTS!
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that's a fucking man. her(his) parents should be put in jail
>>122278 I think you mean boy. But Ill go to jail with her. It's okay.
>>122279 You're the type that would drop the soap on purpose, right?
>>122281 Sir, I will not share my kinks with you!
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I just post her for the triggering. And the cuteness. But mostly for the triggering. I can see cuteness without posting.
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>>104806 I cannot unsee it now
Are we back at it again with this BOY?
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i'll say it again for the folks in the back... if u don't like someone, there's other threads (100s on this board alone) and other countless other sites that will suit ur preferences more. instead of obsessing over one individual and the people that like that individual, go to what YOU like. i promise you it's a better use of your energy and time.
>>126923 Never left, cheese puff.
>>126932 Won't change reality.
>>126981 We have waifu. We don't believe in reality. Shoo shoo
I like anal, anyway. I see this as a win.
>>126932 >>126981 This is just an attitude that truly vexes me. That someone here, of all places, would trouble themselves to make such negative posts. What are you afraid of, really? We see this in the US, with certain groups fighting hard to maintain their definitions of gender and sexuality. Are you afraid someday you'll find someone attractive, realize their downstairs isn't what you were expecting, and then start to question your own interests and sexuality and wonder what that means? I suspect you're like the neighbor dad in "American Beauty." Even if you don't live in such delusions, you live in a fear I don't understand. I feel sorry for you. I hope you find the peace you've yet to find.
>>126986 Mods, I'm sorry for the long non-cutes screed here. The people responsible for it have been sacked.
>>126986 Why are you gay?
>>126988 Because I just have a naturally happy disposition. Why are you so ugly on the inside?
Trans women are more man than incels will ever be and more woman than they will ever get.
This girl is trans? She's pretty incredible! I'd much rather celebrate her embracing a positive identity than tear her down for something that doesn't matter. I hope she only gets cuter.
Doesn't belong in "starlets," doesn't meet the definition.
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>>126999 Ok. I'll delete the thread right now for you and only you. Thanks
>>127002 Pretending that that the people who don't think girls have dicks are the minority.
>>127004 Pretending anyone one else but you are crying about it. Welcome to waifuist. I hope you are this passionate about one of 100s other girls we have threads for :)
>>127007 All this hate sure is. I'm glad you agree that lashing out like some people have against this young person is gross. Rebekah's life choices don't diminish or invalidate anyone else's. Trans kids have some of the highest rates of suicide and self-harm in the world. Clearly, something's going on there. I'm not going to pretend posting here on waifuist is noble, but at least the folks who try to lift up someone like Rebekah aren't gross like the people who try to tear her down. Thanks for your support, NoYou. Welcome aboard!
>>127036 It's moot anyways because it's not like this guy (or anyone of us I hope) is getting in this girl's pants. The idea that someone is being cheated or tricked is so baffling - identity is for the self, not others. Glad there's at least one other person who gets it. I'm too used to boards being full of bigots like this other guy. She's cute, I am eager to see more.
What's with all the 404 pics ITT?
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