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📸 Cute Girls and Autistic Discussions 📸

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Jordan Mae Starletee :3 05/14/2023 (Sun) 02:39:42 No. 96626
https://www.instagram.com/justjordan33_/ https://www.youtube.com/@JustJordan33 https://www.youtube.com/@thatyoutub3family Not sure if anyone will be on board with this one, but I recently started going over her old videos and I can't stop watching. If you are the type who likes close face shots of cute girls, she is like a dream come true. And it's not just her old videos, she is still cute as hell. She is super mormon now, and she has never worn revealing clothes, but I promise you her youtube career is full of stuff that is very interesting. I'm tired atm, but will post more later. More just curious if I am alone on this.
Edited last time by QuietGrace on 05/14/2023 (Sun) 12:16:11.
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Cute. A pity that she is a Jesus freak.
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>>96653 It is a shame indeed. I have been ignoring her channel for years because it all seems boring at first glance, but then you see stuff like this and it's just...it's too on the nose for her parents to have just not noticed. In a WHOLE bunch of her videos she ends up with her head tilted back and her mouth open, or in some other situation that aren't like blatantly obvious, but that really don't take much to figure out. She constantly gags and holds her mouth open and says some pretty questionable stuff. Her sister is actually way more obvious about it all but not as much my type. My theory is that her dad orchestrated it all to either get attention, or to make his own little stash of videos, probably both.
Have been scouring her videos for a week or so, hoping to make some compilations.
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Yeah, Jordan is very cute. It doesn't matter that she's mormom and doesn't show much skin. A cute face tops that. Yeah, all the porn in the world one click away, but what I actually prefer are screenshots of close up faces of Youtuber teens or tweens. I just love to screenshot that one moment when they show some tongue or inadevertently do the "orgasm" face.
>>97386 corruption of youth morals yikes
mormon girls are freaks
>>97386 waifuist.pro should hire her with a "Don't Let Waifuist.Pro turn into Backpage.Com" campaign
>>97386 morally questionable content is potentially a dogwhistle for further moral decay https://www.newsweek.com/sex-ads-website-backpagecom-co-founder-charged-after-fbi-raid-876333
>>97386 very strong "This is Your Brain on Drugs" vibes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOnENVylxPI
>>97434 >>97435 >>97463 >>97464 >>97465 I don't know what any of you are trying to communicate with your posts. If you aren't into this sort of thing thats cool, I said in the OP that most people probably wouldn't be into it. You can just say "We aren't into this."
It schoudl be clear from my post that I'm into this. On the other hand when you open a theme that you don't expect to please all, it's just normal that you will get a few negative or lamenting posts. Live with it. As said, I do love me some mormon girl face, like Jordan here.
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>>97507 Yeah, I figured it was until I read the other comments which made me think yours was sarcasm. I was going to upload a video with this replay, but it keeps failing. Here are some screens though, I hate that this video wasn't filmed in high quality. I want to upload some compilations to youtube.
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